Q. How big are your boobies ?
A. Too big, They affect gameplay.

oh right serious faq !.. okies here is a rundown of common problems.

Where are the downloads ?
A. Go to the instructions page and do everything it says, The reason for megadownloader is to prevent link removal.

I get virus/malware warning
A. This is a false positive, Go into your browser settings and untick "block dangerous and deceptive content" or whatever equivilent setting for the browser you are using.
At some point megadownloader must have been flagged as malicious. It's not.

I added the download link to megadownloader but im getting 'ERROR'
A. Sometimes the server get's busy, try right-clicking that particular file and click 'RESET' a few times. If not try again later.

Okies I downloaded a game what do I do with these 7z thingys
A. Use 7zip to extract the archives, Extract only part 1 e.g Game.7z.001 (If you don't see .001 it only means you don't have show extensions ticked in explorer) so instead just extract Game.7z

I started extracting the data but it came up with an error
A. This usually means the download is corrupt, Open part 7z.001 with 7zip and click 'TEST'.
If you get errors then redownload 1 part at a time until it works.

The game is extracted ! But how do I set it up ?
A. Visit archives page and click said game. If there is no link then there is no guide yet, Feel free to join chat so we can try and help.

Game doesn't run at all
A. Check to see if the game is compatible with your OS, Most run with latest windows (win 10). But there are some that only work with xp or win7.
Note - Even if you have the right hardware/os you might still need a loader for the game to boot or to fix bugs.

Also make sure you have things like your graphics\audio driver installed along with latest directx\vcredist and .NET framework (2.0,

Game window doesn't open when I run launcher.exe (iidx,sound voltex etc)
A. You shouldn't be launching the game with launcher.exe You launch the game with gamestart.bat or .exe specified in the guide.

I followed the guide but im getting network error (iidx, sound voltex etc)
A. Make sure you have ea local server running and you have clicked 'Start' (You can get it from tools page)
All game's by default have been set to use ea local server.

I have ea local server running but im still getting network error
A. Go into control panel\Device manager then click 'View' 'Show hidden devices' then expand Network and right-click disable all adaptors apart from your wifi or ethernet.

I did all that and still network error !
A. Right-click launcher.exe, Properties\Compatibility, then tick 'Run this program as an administrator'. Apply, OK

More Q/A will be added if needed. Most problems are usually from lacking redistributables or specific game related problems such as requiring a loader. There are a few that need certain hardware like nvidia or amd only. Along with other possible bugs like hdmi audio preventing game from booting or requiring certain partitions like e:\ for save data

Hope this helped x